Mẫu CV hiện đại (Tiếng Anh) - Dành cho IT (Mẫu 1)
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Mẫu CV hiện đại (Tiếng Anh) - Dành cho IT (Mẫu 1)
Long Le
Adamstr. 6, 13595 Berlin, Germany
E-mail: le@cs.unc.edu
Objective: To obtain a challenging position for summer interns in the field computer networks.
4/94 - 6/99: Technical University Berlin, Germany
Diploma program in Electrical Engineering (with distinction).
Academic interests
Multimedia networking: Voice over IP, conference control protocols.
Network architectures: Integrated Services, Differentiated Services, Active Networks.
Work experience
8/99 - present: Research Institute for Open Communication Systems, Berlin, Germany
Scientist at the Competence Center for Global Networking with research projects in active networks
and in voice over IP.
- Designed and implemented a software module in C/C++ under Unix/Linux that remotely controls
network devices via the telnet protocol.
5/99 - 7/99: Fulltime intern at Novedia Inc., Berlin, Germany
Involved in the development of an Internet conference system.
- Designed and partly implemented a class library in C++ that enables a platform independent input,
output, and mixing of audio streams under Windows NT and Linux.
- Implemented network applications under Linux.
- Extended functionalities of the Video Conference Tool (vic) under Linux to enable message exchange via a message bus.
- Designed and implemented a control module that controls the Robust Audio Tool (rat) and the Video
Conference Tool (vic) via a message bus under Linux.
10/98 - 5/99: Diploma thesis at Research Institute for Open Communication Systems, Berlin, Germany
Implemented the Adaptive Packetization/Concealment (AP/C) algorithm in the Network Voice
Terminal Tool (NeVoT). The AP/C algorithm exploits the long-term correlation of speech signals to influence the packetization interval at the sender and to conceal the lost packets at the receivers.
1/98 - 9/98: Pre-diploma thesis at Research Institute for Open Communication Systems, Berlin,
Designed and implemented a charging and accounting protocol that works with the Resource
ReSerVation Protocol. The charging and accounting protocol keeps track of network resources
reserved by users, reliably exchanges accounting information between network nodes, and fairly shares the costs between users.
11/97 - 4/99: Student employee at Department of Intelligent Networks, Siemens Inc., Berlin, Germany
Involved in design, test, and administration of advanced telephone services.
5/97 - 10/97: Student employee at GMD Fokus Research Institute for Open Communication Systems,
Berlin, Germany
Involved in the development of the Multicast Integrated Server, a Multicast Address Resolution Server for ATM clients with QoS support.
Programming languages: HTML, x86 assembly language, Pascal, C/C++, and Java.
Operating systems: DOS, Windows, Linux, and Unix.
Publications (available from www.cs.unc.edu/~le/papers.html)
L. Le, H. Sanneck, G. Carle, and T. Hoshi. Active Concealment for Internet Speech Transmission. To
appear in the Second International Working Conference on Active Networks (IWAN2000), Tokyo,
October 2000.
H. Sanneck, N. T. L. Le, and G. Carle. Effiziente Dienstqualitọtsunterstỹtzung fỹr IP Telefonie durch
selektive Paketmarkierung (in German) in First IP-Telephony Workshop, Berlin, April 2000. (This is a
revised version of the IMMCN 2000 paper.)
H. Sanneck, N. T. L. Le, and A. Wolisz. Efficient QoS Support for Voice-over-IP Applications Using
Selective Packet Marking in Special Session on Error Control Techniques for Real-time Delivery of
Multimedia data, First International Workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Computing(IMMCN 2000),
Atlantic City, NJ, February 2000.
H. Sanneck and N. T. L. Le. Speech Property-Based FEC for Internet Telephony Applications in
Proceedings of the SPIE/ACM SIGMM Multimedia Computing and Networking Conference 2000
(MMCN 2000), San Jose, CA, January 2000.
N. T. L. Le. Development of a Loss-Resilient Internet Speech Transmission Method. Diploma thesis,
Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University Berlin, June 1999.
N. T. L. Le. Charging and Accounting Protocol for IP Multicast over ATM with QoS Support.
Pre-diploma thesis, Department of Telecommunications Engineering, Technical University Berlin,
September 1998.
Honors and Awards
7/2000: Erwin-Stephan Prize for excellent graduates (award of the President of the Technical University Berlin)
10/96 - 4/98: Friedrich-Ebert Foundation's scholarship for talented students
5/90: Nguyen-Dinh-Chieu high school's award for student with the best performance in Math
3/90: First prize in the Tien-Giang province's annual Math competition for talented high school students
Other activities
Mentor of a summer intern
Member of the Vietnamese Student Association in Berlin, Germany
Nguồn: www.niko.vn
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