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Helen Hloom
Executive Assistant
Phone: (123) 456 78 99 | Email: info@ com | Website: www
Address: ,
Write a brief summary of the objective or what you intend to achieve with your resume, for example, seeking a position as a [position title] with XYZ Company.
Write a brief summary of the objective or what you intend to achieve with your resume, for example, seeking a position as a [position title] with XYZ Company.
Professional SkillsP
÷ Knowledgeable in office equipment such as computer, scanner, copier, fax machine, multi-line phones, comb-binding machines and label makers.
÷ Well-organized and efficient.
÷ Self-motivated, assertive and can quickly learn new procedures and methods.
÷ Professional demeanor.
÷ Dependable – can work without supervision; able to follow directions, both oral and written.
÷ Able to work under pressure and meet deadlines.
Interpersonal and Teamwork Skills
÷ Work well with a diverse group of people.
÷ Honest, friendly, excellent communication skills.
÷ Demonstrated accuracy, and attention to detail.
÷ Work well in a team environment.
÷ Committed to assisting others.
Quantitative Skills
÷ Collected, posted and deposited rents for properties consisting of 6 to 282 apartments.
÷ Posted General Ledger codes to invoices to prepare for payment.
÷ Maintained low operating costs, cutting expenditures where feasible.
÷ Reduced delinquencies through collection procedures.
÷ Create spreadsheets using MS Excel to track student financial records, attendance and grades.
Computer Skills
÷ Above average skills in MS Office suite including Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook, Open Office, Thunderbird and Firefox. .
÷ Able to use MS Access.
÷ Excellent skills in preparing and maintaining spreadsheets.
÷ Business correspondence writing letters and memos, editing for content, spelling and grammar.
÷ Able to learn new software applications with ease.
÷ Talented in graphic art and design using MS Publisher, Print Shop, and Paint.
MARKETING DIRECTOR 2011 to present
Global Holdings International LLC Chicago, IL
÷ Tellus turpisauctor massa, non viverraturpis mi posuere erat. Aeneanconvallisnibhsed quam adipiscinghendrerit id tempus erat. Nam variustellusvestibulumturpisauctor
÷ Pretium lectusmolestie. Suspendisse semper mi sitametsapienblandit, vitae vestibulum est fringilla.
Fuscevenenatisaliquam nisi non luctus.
÷ Phasellusimperdiet massa egetiaculisdictum. Proinblanditnibhquisauctor porta. Nulla erat purus, pretium ut tempusquis, vulputate ut diam. Aliquamutnulla at quam adipiscingpulvinar.
Jackson International LLC Orlando, FL
÷ Loremipsumdolorsitamet, consecteturadipiscingelit. Maurisfacilisiseleifend nunc ut consequat.
Quisquesitametinterdum nunc.
÷ Pellentesquelobortis nec nibheget mollis. Vestibulum vitae pulvinartortor. Nam ornarecondimentum lacus. Donecsedaccumsanipsum, sedultriceslorem.
÷ In condimentumjusto ac leoporttitor, ac venenatispurusultrices.
Central Pacific Institute of Management Studies New York, NY
÷ Praesent a leoquisipsumconsequatfringilla.
÷ Duislaoreettristiquelaoreet.
÷ Ut vitae quam tristique libero ullamcorpervestibulum ut quismauris.
Oxford College of Business Management New York, NY
÷ Pellentesquelobortis nec nibheget mollis.
÷ Vestibulum vitae pulvinartortor.
÷ Nam ornarecondimentum lacus. Donecsedaccumsanipsum, sedultriceslorem.
÷ In condimentumjusto ac leoporttitor, ac venenatispurusultrices.
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